Washington, DC

Washington Gateway

Phase I: Completed 2014
Phase II: Completed 2022
Phase III: Completed 2023
1,041 Units
901,860 SF Residential 
 9,760 SF Retail
1,052 SF Business 
1B Concrete Frame High-Rise

The height of the building steps down from New York Avenue towards Florida Avenue. This creates an urban edge and buffer from the considerable volume and speed of traffic on New York Avenue while mitigating the scale of the intersection and the interior plaza. The double height retail podium angles away from Florida Avenue to open up views of the interior plaza. It is the main volume facing Florida Avenue. This creates the appropriate scale and space for lively pedestrian activity.

Located at the very prominent site at the northern tip of NOMA, Washington Gateway lies in the triangular site formed by the intersection of New York and Florida Avenues to the northwest and southwest and the railroad tracks to the east. As a three-building ensemble, the buildings complete the block perimeter and form a motor court within the block. The building’s acute angles at both ends of the New York Avenue frontage characterizes the Washington Gateway ensemble and provide dramatic vantage points westbound on New York Avenue coming across the bridge into the city center and eastbound on New York leaving town.

Elevation is Phase I of the block and features 400 units in a mixed-use building. Elevation possesses a triangular glass prism corner tower at the intersection of New York and Florida. Looking west toward the center of the city over the ATF building forecourt and the expansive intersection, the glass tower enjoys a commanding presence and creates an architectural landmark for the Washington Gateway development. This feature opens up dramatic views towards Downtown and creates an architectural landmark for the Washington Gateway development as a whole signaling the emergence of NoMa as a dynamic and vibrant location.

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